ON PAPER is an offline hard copy of online photo stories by London-based designer + photographer Justin Bramwell.

It's a self-published mini newspaper of content taken from Instagram Stories @jbramagram.

My social media is a photographic journal of the objects and spaces that inspire me.

Mostly: Art, Design, Sneakers, Records, London + Other Places.

ON PAPER is an offline platform for me to curate, inspire and archive that content.

It became important for me after social media affected my mental health and I needed a break from apps to clear my head.

Each issue is printed on tactile + imperfect newspaper and showcases a handful of photo stories, amazing spaces and quirky art shows.

It's a shot of inspiration for a coffee break.

ON PAPER is a space to get my thoughts down and reflect on my experiences.

I'm glad to share it with you and hope you find out something new.

ON PAPER is available only as a physical mini newspaper from the following ↠ stockists.

Limited copies will be available to purchase ↠ online.

Read all about it:

"7 Newspapers to inspire you in April"
Newspaper Club ↠

Justin Bramwell is a London-based designer working in Global Store Design. www.justinbramwell.com